electronic.alchemy :: interface mounting
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letterpress > monotype > interface mounting

interface mounting

Created by hww3. Last updated by hww3, 10 years ago. Version #5.

William Welliver

My interface is shown temporarily installed at the Hill and Dale Foundry for Monotype University 8: the pneumatics are hung from a heavy duty zip tie and the interface board is held in a custom aluminum enclosure. I actually don't recommend using an approach like this, unless the interface board is mounted permanently. The interface board is fairly light and it has a tendency to get pulled and knocked around otherwise.

Rich Hopkins

Rich Hopkins at the Hill and Dale Foundry has mounted his pneumatics from a pair of cup hooks attached to a pair of furring strips that lower the interface to a convenient height. The interface board is suspended from the pneumatics using zip ties with a mylar backer sheet to prevent short circuits.

Rob LoMascolo

Rob LoMascolo's interface is housed in a luxury condo… the photos tell the story best:


This page (letterpress/monotype/interface mounting) contains 6 Attachments
Name Type Size Updated Updated By
welliver1.jpg image/jpeg 131 kb Tuesday, 12 April 2016 Bill Welliver
welliver2.jpg image/jpeg 123 kb Tuesday, 12 April 2016 Bill Welliver
hopkins1.jpg image/jpeg 155 kb Tuesday, 12 April 2016 Bill Welliver
lomascolo1.jpg image/jpeg 46 kb Tuesday, 12 April 2016 Bill Welliver
lomascolo2.jpg image/jpeg 71 kb Tuesday, 12 April 2016 Bill Welliver
lomascolo3.jpg image/jpeg 58 kb Tuesday, 12 April 2016 Bill Welliver

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